800 FICO vs 800 FAKO
Today I want to break down and establish why an 800 credit score is completely different than a brand new 800 credit score, and I’m going to show you what the differences and I’m going to show you five factors that you need to focus on instead of the score itself.
500% ROI Secrets, the Power of Leverage
So I got this massive bill for $2,560 from an attorney and I’m super excited about it, before you. Before you dismiss me as a crazy person, let me tell you a story of how this bill originated.
Business Credit Card Hack – Borrow at 2% APR
We recently helped another client borrow at a 2% interest rate. I’m sure you’re dying to know exactly what he did and what clever secret he used. Well plainly put, he used a balance transfer check like the this one…
How to Increase your FICO – For Business Owners
Let’s start with a quick story about the client. He started a wholesaling business less than a year ago. Since his business was ‘too new’ to qualify for conventional financing, and he wanted to start leveraging his business to achieve massive growth
The 3 C’s of Lending
What does a lender look for when you submit your loan application? What if your business doesn’t have any income…